This is the second Fashion Editorial that my team and I shot in Portugal last October. This was featured in Mess Mag a month or so ago, and as you probably guessed by the title it has an Egyptian inspiration. The way I saw these looks in my head was very crisp, colourful and bold. Fortunately the location were were shooting in had everything to make this happen, from colour to very minimal backgrounds.We shot this editorial over two days, due to an allergic reaction one of our models was unable to shoot on the first day. This meant two days of 5am starts, for hair and makeup. On location for around 7am as the sun started to come up. The light is truly stunning at that time of the morning and gave us something really different, almost eerie. We started by shooting against a beautiful church, which had great colours that complimented the styling. We were then looking for clean lines and backgrounds to contrast the dark outfits.The lighting changed quite dramatically over the course of the mornings, ending with a very harsh bright light which also worked well with the looks. Although the models suffered a little wearing a lot of black in hot conditions, they were troopers and didn’t complain. Check out the images below:
As I mentioned in the blog about the first editorial we shot in Portugal, we took a HD camcorder to record some behind the scenes footage. Check out the short BTS film below:
Fashion Editorial Credits
Styling: What Alice Found (Nicki Grainger assisted by Verity Cooper)Hair & Makeup: Taz BayleyModels: Monika Rys & Natalie DonnellyClothing: ASOS, Yas Hultquist, H&M, Primark & What Alice Found VintageJewellery: What Alice Found, ASOS Marketplace, Gulucu London & Love from Hetty & Dave