Last week I had the pleasure of shooting with Model and dancer Josie Ellis. We finally managed to get a photo shoot sorted after a few attempts. The weather kept intervening on our plans, such is the joy of being a Fashion Photographer UK. The shoot led me to Chichester, where I met Josie who was all ready to go! We headed to a location where she had suggested, which gave us some great variation within a hundred metres.Our first location was an dis-used churchyard. It was somewhat overgrown and we had to be really careful not to fall over headstones. In the end I had to carry Josie through the long grass to stop her legs getting scratched by the nettles and brambles. The first set we shot was designed to be quite gothic looking, however I didn’t want them to be too dark, so i toned them to have a warmer feel. Really pleased with how they came out.Our second location was still at the church but we used some of the walls to create a textured background. The sun by this point was very strong and it made for really harsh shadows on her skin. Generally I wouldn’t be a fan of this however on this occasion I think it worked really well. The look was quite an edgy fashion look so I got away with it. I was also able to pull some of the shadows back in post production.With our next location we wanted some colour, so we did a quick walk into an industrial estate where we found some containers and industrial rubbish bins that were ideal. Josie being the dancer and athlete that she is, was straight up on the red one, using her upper body strength. She was able to put herself into some interesting poses. The blue container was a great contrast to the red and completed the series. Check out the images below:
I am available for commissions and model portfolios, please contact me on 07590 901488 or email