Yesterday I was in studio shooting Verity Cooper, who is a fashion student at Bournemouth University. I know Verity through What Alice Found Vintage, where she was interning last year. She was looking for some shots to show off her pre-collection, a kind of taster to her final collection of her degree. Her collection was based on theme of childhood and she had designed some very quirky and brightly coloured outfits.I had enlisted the talents of my regular makeup artist, Rachael Holmes, she created looks to suit the outfits and models. Everyone turned up around 1.30pm to get prepared and we were quickly shooting. The models managed to create the look and feel we wanted in poses and expression very well and with ease. This was quite a fun subject so we didn’t want anything to serious.With only two outfits to shoot this time, we were able to change the background to give different looks. I opted for a very simple setup with two lights on the background to get a nice even light, and a single key light on the model, softened with a large soft box.Here are some of the shots from the shoot, selected by Verity for use in her presentation today.[row cols_nr=”2″][col size=”6″] [/col][col size=”6″]