Jens Snow Portrait

Snow portraits

When I woke up this morning I was quite happy to see a good few inches of snow on the ground. I was wondering who I could find to be my subject in the beautiful wintery conditions, when my lovely girlfriend announced she wasn’t going in to work. So we got ourselves wrapped up for the arctic and ventured out into the local area.On the field at the rear of the house we found children having great fun, people sledging and even building an igloo! That however wasnt my purpose for being out in the snow, I decided I needed to do something I had been meaning to do for ages; portraits of my lovey girlfriend Jen.So without further delay, here they are and I have to say for the first portrait of the year, I am delighted with them, she looks so beautiful.Jens Snow PortraitJens Snow PortraitJens Snow PortraitJens Snow PortraitJens Snow PortraitJens Snow Portrait

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